May 20 2012 Congregational Meeting


This is to inform you of the First UU Austin regularly scheduled congregational meeting on Sunday, May 20th, at 1:30pm in the Sanctuary

According to our Bylaws:

Individuals who have been members of the church for 30 days or more and who have (as an individual or part of a family unit) made a recorded financial contribution during the last 12 months and at least 30 days prior to the meeting, have the right to vote at all official church meetings.


1. Welcome and Call to Order, Chris Jimmerson – 5 min

a. Unison Reading of Covenant and Lighting of Chalice

b. Adopt Consent Agenda (Minutes from Last Meeting and Rules of order)

c. Adopt Agenda

2. Update: State of the Church, Rev. Meg Barnhouse – 10 min

3. Board of Trustee Elections – 30 min

4. Joys and Concerns – 10 min

5. Closing Reading and Extinguish Chalice – 5 min

6. Adjourn

The following materials are available here for your information prior to the meeting:

Rules of Procedure

18 Dec 2011 Meeting Minutes

2012 Nominees

UPDATE: With the meeting now completed, here are the minutes:


Dec 18 2011 Congregational Meeting

Thanks to all who attended the December 18, 2011 Congregational Meeting at 1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.

Here are the Meeting Minutes

The following materials are available here for your information prior to the meeting:

Rules of Procedure

Congregational Meeting Minutes May 15 2011

Dec 18 2011 Congregational Meeting Agenda v3

Budget Proposal Final

FAMP Motion Language

Oct Financial Report Final


Supporting documentation regarding the second vote to retire the FAMP:

Steinke Report to the Congregation Spring 09

Bridge Builder Action Plan June 09

Some of the Reasons Behind the Recommendations and Benchmarking Chart

Summary of How Fiscal Policy Would Be Structured in the Church Under This Recommendation

Documentation of Recommended Fiscal Policy Changes and New Fiscal Controls That Would Be Put Into Place


Childcare provided.  RSVP to

Trial Sunday Morning Schedule – Starting in September

Starting in September we will trial a new Sunday Morning Schedule:

8:30 am – 1:30 pm ……….. Coffee, Snacks and Fellowship in Howson Hall

9:00 am  – 10:00 am ……… Worship Service in the Sanctuary / Religious Education Classes

10:00 am  – 10:45 am ……. Children’s Choir Rehearsal in Rooms 15 and 17

10:30 am  – 11:30 am …….. Worship Service in the Sanctuary / Religious Education Classes

11:45 am  – 12:45 am ……… Public Forum in the Sanctuary / Childcare (Activities)


The following document explains the rationale for the trial Sunday Morning Schedule:

Rationale for Trial Sunday Morning Schedule (PDF)